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Lack of sleep is f***ing up all your good habits

By - Richard - 3rd March 2022

I am sleep deprived. It’s my own fault. Revenge bedtime procrastination is a big reason why I am tired all the time. My lack of sleep is through my own ill-discipline. I spend the small hours of the night staying up late doing nothing in particular; scrolling on my phone or watching television, safe in the knowledge that it will sabotage me the next day.

In this video, I look at how my lack of sleep – caused through revenge bedtime procrastination – is impacting the good habits I have implemented in my life. Why is it that I can be very self-disciplined with exercise, diet, meditation and journaling but I can’t go to bed at a reasonable hour?

Revenge bedtime procrastination is a very real problem and is common amongst parents and people who lead busy lives. Revenge bedtime procrastination originated in China where busy workers would take revenge on the daytime hours that kept them busy during the day, by choosing to take some time for themselves late at night, even though it would make them feel worse the next day.

In this video, I suggest some solutions to revenge bedtime procrastination. It’s advice I need to take myself as I am displaying many of the classic, lack of sleep side effects. Sleep is so important to our health. But why is it so easy to forego this? In this video I look at how sleep deprivation undoes all of the work done by dieting and how it impacts the exercise we take. If you are suffering from revenge bedtime procrastination, then this video will give you sleeping tips for how to overcome this.

About the Author

Richard Nicholls - Managing Director

Before launching Swift Films, Richard worked as a broadcast TV director and editor, working on programmes for the BBC, ITV and Sky.

A multi-skilled and technically-minded filmmaker, Richard is equally at home coming up with creative concepts as he is on location filming or pulling footage together in the edit suite.

Richard is a member of Independent Producers Scotland and has a love of cats, football, chocolate and Film Noir (in that order).